Anyway, I've been in deep with another email scammer, and this one has taken some UNUSUAL turns, namely
a--scammers' English is very good, and
b--my go to "no no, I can't send you money, I want to bring it to you in person" was NOT met with anger and dissention.
Copied and pasted below.
But not in its entirely, because it's ongoing! I hope to drag this out one for months.
Forgive the formatting...cutting and pasting from gmail doesn't always go well. Commentary throughout indicated by ***********s.
Thanks to Eric for forwarding me this email, because HE KNOWS I LOVE THIS SO MUCH.
-----Original Message-----
From: Aliza Amit Blomstein []
Sent: Friday, December 11, 2015 3:35 AM
Subject: Shalom From Aliza Blomstein.
I am Mrs.Aliza Amit Blomstein from Israel.I have a Project to discuss with you.Kindly get in touch with me to give you the details.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shannon
Date: Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 10:23 AM
Subject: Shalom From Aliza Blomstein.
Hi ALiza-
I don't know what this project is?
On Fri, Dec 11,
2015 at 6:33 PM, Aliza Amit Blomstein <>
Shalom Shannon,
I thank you very much for your response. To help me, I do not know specifically but I only need your good faith. Furthermore, I would ask you to remain very discreet especially on your side and especially not to tell anyone until the Briefcase is sent to you discreetly and safely because I am too afraid that my husband’s family reveals the existence of this case and my tears as they did with the other property that my husband left for me (land and property etc ...)Also, as I say I'm from Israel and my husband’s family listens to all my conversations and the brothers of my husband is even spying on me, that is why I can not take the risk to communicate with you on the phone or I may lose this only thing that is left for me.
So we need to communicate I think this will be by email, I think email is the surest way for me. So if you want to assist me in this project; we will discuss the percentage that I have to assign. I would love to travel and see you on the spot but as I told you I can not take risk at the moment and I have to wait and make sure that the Briefcase is safe with you before joining you discreetly.
Also, after your confirmation, I will send in my next email address of the company so that you can contact them because the company is in Western-Europe so you can discuss with them the procedures and requirements to get the Briefcase released from their custody. I will relocate from Israel to your country to start the investment project with you after the company released the briefcase to you. I am waiting for your response to discuss more concerning this project with you. God bless you. Shalom.
Mrs. Aliza.
I thank you very much for your response. To help me, I do not know specifically but I only need your good faith. Furthermore, I would ask you to remain very discreet especially on your side and especially not to tell anyone until the Briefcase is sent to you discreetly and safely because I am too afraid that my husband’s family reveals the existence of this case and my tears as they did with the other property that my husband left for me (land and property etc ...)Also, as I say I'm from Israel and my husband’s family listens to all my conversations and the brothers of my husband is even spying on me, that is why I can not take the risk to communicate with you on the phone or I may lose this only thing that is left for me.
So we need to communicate I think this will be by email, I think email is the surest way for me. So if you want to assist me in this project; we will discuss the percentage that I have to assign. I would love to travel and see you on the spot but as I told you I can not take risk at the moment and I have to wait and make sure that the Briefcase is safe with you before joining you discreetly.
Also, after your confirmation, I will send in my next email address of the company so that you can contact them because the company is in Western-Europe so you can discuss with them the procedures and requirements to get the Briefcase released from their custody. I will relocate from Israel to your country to start the investment project with you after the company released the briefcase to you. I am waiting for your response to discuss more concerning this project with you. God bless you. Shalom.
Mrs. Aliza.
*******Juuuust in case you thought this wasn't a scammer...the change in email address from email one to email two is a pretty clear indicator. But--she initially emailed Eric, and I replied, so... Also, this spammer has a .fr email address and some of the headers on my replies are in French. So that's new.
En date de :
Lun 14.12.15, Shannon <SH>
a écrit :
Hello Aliza-
This email makes me so scared for you. I can't believe that you are so worried about your own
safety in Israel, God's chosen land. I feel like I really need to help you with this Briefcase. I am very trustworthy and would do anything to help out someone who really needs it.
Please tell me what I can do to help so
you can come to America, God's (other) chosen land.
Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 11:03 AM, Aliza Amit Blomstein <>
I did not reply you immediately because i was waiting to be alone in the house so that i can be able to check my email and also reply you. I don’t want my late husband family to know i am communicating with you and also i don’t want them to know about the briefcase in Belgium. I need to be careful so that i will not loss the briefcase in the hands of my late husband family. I really need your help and i think i have explained to you the reason i need your help. It is better i trust someone outside Israel because these people are so wicked to me. I thank you so much for your message and concern towards me.
However, this briefcase belongs to me. The only person that knows about it was my late husband. As you can see, he is no more. I and my late husband agreed before making the deposit. I have every receipts both agreement and deposit receipts intact with me. I am going to send the receipts to you so that you will go through it to understand what i am telling you.
I intend to move out from Israel since i have lost my parents and also my beloved husband i see no reason of being with this wicked people. I have been going through hell in the hands of these people after the burial of my husband. Life has been so difficult and unfair to me. They have maltreated me so badly that sometimes i feel like given it to the ghost. I can’t understand why they keep treating me this way; I have done nothing to them. I always respect them. Maybe, because, i didn’t have a child with their brother. Was it my fault? My dear Shannon, it is a long story which i will tell you everything when we meet in your country.
I want to move away from them and will never return back till i die. Because of their attitude towards me i refuse to tell them about the deposit in Belgium. I decided to relocate from Israel to America where i will start a new life and also invest the money inside the briefcase with your help in America.
Please let our conversations remains secret alone to us and please do not discuss it with any one until i arrive to meet you. This is why i choose to communicate with you only by email. I always wait to be alone before i can be able to read your message and also respond to you. So please i need your help to retrieve my briefcase in Belgium and also your help to move out from here to America. Let me read from you so that i will tell you what to do. I am waiting for your response. God help us, Shalom.
I did not reply you immediately because i was waiting to be alone in the house so that i can be able to check my email and also reply you. I don’t want my late husband family to know i am communicating with you and also i don’t want them to know about the briefcase in Belgium. I need to be careful so that i will not loss the briefcase in the hands of my late husband family. I really need your help and i think i have explained to you the reason i need your help. It is better i trust someone outside Israel because these people are so wicked to me. I thank you so much for your message and concern towards me.
However, this briefcase belongs to me. The only person that knows about it was my late husband. As you can see, he is no more. I and my late husband agreed before making the deposit. I have every receipts both agreement and deposit receipts intact with me. I am going to send the receipts to you so that you will go through it to understand what i am telling you.
I intend to move out from Israel since i have lost my parents and also my beloved husband i see no reason of being with this wicked people. I have been going through hell in the hands of these people after the burial of my husband. Life has been so difficult and unfair to me. They have maltreated me so badly that sometimes i feel like given it to the ghost. I can’t understand why they keep treating me this way; I have done nothing to them. I always respect them. Maybe, because, i didn’t have a child with their brother. Was it my fault? My dear Shannon, it is a long story which i will tell you everything when we meet in your country.
I want to move away from them and will never return back till i die. Because of their attitude towards me i refuse to tell them about the deposit in Belgium. I decided to relocate from Israel to America where i will start a new life and also invest the money inside the briefcase with your help in America.
Please let our conversations remains secret alone to us and please do not discuss it with any one until i arrive to meet you. This is why i choose to communicate with you only by email. I always wait to be alone before i can be able to read your message and also respond to you. So please i need your help to retrieve my briefcase in Belgium and also your help to move out from here to America. Let me read from you so that i will tell you what to do. I am waiting for your response. God help us, Shalom.
On Mon, Dec 14, 2015, Shannon <SH> wrote:
Dear Aliza-
Oh my goodness. I am so sorry
for you. It's no one's fault that you didn't have a child with your dead
I have a few questions...I am sure you
know this is unusual so I just want to be sure you're being honest with me.
1. What is
in the briefcase?
2. Where in
America do you want to live? I have some suggestions (basically do not
try to live in Ohio or Texas)
Ok once I know
more about you I think I will feel better about helping.
On Mon, Dec 14,
2015 at 5:17 PM, Aliza Amit Blomstein <>
Shalom Shannon,
I am very much happy about your message and your concern towards me. I know you feel for me. God will surely bless you. How i wish you will understand what i have been passing through in the midst of these people after i lost my husband. You won’t be talking about me being honest to you. They made my life miserable. I have suffered a lot. Could you imagine being the only child of your parents? I have no immediate brother or sister to run to for my aid. I am just alone in my world. I only want to relocate out from here far from them and will never return back again.
I did not tell anyone my plan. It is my secret. So i have to be very careful in whatever i am doing. I don’t want to loss the briefcase to them. If it happens, I will give it to the ghost. That briefcase is the only thing left for me. My life and future depends on it.
Regards to your question, the content of the briefcase is money. Actually, I don’t really know the best city to live but since you are there and know more than I do the best city in America that is good and for us to invest i will have to take your suggestion. I am a woman and i have no idea of investment that is the major reason i need you by my side so that things will work out well for me. I can not handle it alone. I need a man, a sincere and trustworthy man as you told me you are. With you by my side we will handle it together.
I have to go back to bed because it is late here and i am feeling weak. I need to sleep. I am tired. I will get back to you when i woke up from the bed if i have the chance. Incase i did not reply you; please exercise patience due to my situation here. I don’t want them to see me on the computer or know that i am communicating with you. I have to be careful. Good night and i expect to read your message when i woke up from the sleep. God bless you. Shalom.
I am very much happy about your message and your concern towards me. I know you feel for me. God will surely bless you. How i wish you will understand what i have been passing through in the midst of these people after i lost my husband. You won’t be talking about me being honest to you. They made my life miserable. I have suffered a lot. Could you imagine being the only child of your parents? I have no immediate brother or sister to run to for my aid. I am just alone in my world. I only want to relocate out from here far from them and will never return back again.
I did not tell anyone my plan. It is my secret. So i have to be very careful in whatever i am doing. I don’t want to loss the briefcase to them. If it happens, I will give it to the ghost. That briefcase is the only thing left for me. My life and future depends on it.
Regards to your question, the content of the briefcase is money. Actually, I don’t really know the best city to live but since you are there and know more than I do the best city in America that is good and for us to invest i will have to take your suggestion. I am a woman and i have no idea of investment that is the major reason i need you by my side so that things will work out well for me. I can not handle it alone. I need a man, a sincere and trustworthy man as you told me you are. With you by my side we will handle it together.
I have to go back to bed because it is late here and i am feeling weak. I need to sleep. I am tired. I will get back to you when i woke up from the bed if i have the chance. Incase i did not reply you; please exercise patience due to my situation here. I don’t want them to see me on the computer or know that i am communicating with you. I have to be careful. Good night and i expect to read your message when i woke up from the sleep. God bless you. Shalom.
On Tue, Dec 15, 2015, Shannon <SH> wrote:
Hello Aliza-
Wow. I can't believe all of this
suffering. I am so sorry for you. I can tell you one thing though,
I can imagine being the only child of my parents. I am the only child of
my parents!!! Until I was four, I had a sister named Wendy, but here's
the thing...Wendy died after eating one of those laundry pods. They're so
dangerous--Tide has been hiding the truth for years. Since then, I have
been working to get the senators from my state to pass "Wendy's Law"
which would make people have to wash their clothes without soap. It's
been a real uphill battle, but if just one life is saved, it will be worth
it. Anyway, I know what it's like to be without any sisters.
Anyway, I am so sorry for your
suffering because YOU DO NOT DESERVE THIS.
Well like you said, I am a man, a
sincere and trustworthy man, and I will help you. I'm great with
investments, and really want to help you. I have been looking for a woman
to help for years.
Please rest and
tell me what I need to do to help, because I will do it!
*******I like to start testing just how far they'll let me go early on with things like really specific, not really important details. Aliza = really far.
On Thu, Dec 17,
2015 at 10:35 AM, Aliza Amit Blomstein <>
Shalom Shannon,
I have the chance and i decided to use the opportunity to read and write to you immediately. I was very happy reading your messages this evening. You have given me reasons to live again. You put smiles on my face again after years of my difficulties here in this wicked family that I was married into. I don’t know, but I am so happy reading your message. You are really a good person with conscience .You really don’t know me but you have sacrifice yourself in helping me out in my difficulties. I have not seen such person in my life before. Although I was scared of you before, but now your thoughts towards me make me have confidence in you. God will surely bless you.
I am just seeing your message now because i did not have the time to check my email. I was having little misunderstanding with one of my late husband brother s wife. Could you imagine that she was at fault but the husband slapped me that i insulted her wife just because i have no one to speak for me, I think about my life and things that is happening to me. I feel like to commit suicide and die so that I will stop all this sufferings and humiliations from these people. I am no longer comfortable anymore. I wish i will run away right now.
I am very sorry about your sister’s death. My condolence and i apologize reminding you of your past and pain.
I have the chance and i decided to use the opportunity to read and write to you immediately. I was very happy reading your messages this evening. You have given me reasons to live again. You put smiles on my face again after years of my difficulties here in this wicked family that I was married into. I don’t know, but I am so happy reading your message. You are really a good person with conscience .You really don’t know me but you have sacrifice yourself in helping me out in my difficulties. I have not seen such person in my life before. Although I was scared of you before, but now your thoughts towards me make me have confidence in you. God will surely bless you.
I am just seeing your message now because i did not have the time to check my email. I was having little misunderstanding with one of my late husband brother s wife. Could you imagine that she was at fault but the husband slapped me that i insulted her wife just because i have no one to speak for me, I think about my life and things that is happening to me. I feel like to commit suicide and die so that I will stop all this sufferings and humiliations from these people. I am no longer comfortable anymore. I wish i will run away right now.
I am very sorry about your sister’s death. My condolence and i apologize reminding you of your past and pain.
I want you to
contact the security company with this information that I will give you now. I
have already told the director of the security company about you. I want you to
call the Security Company on phone because he will be waiting to hear from you.
But first send message to the security company and introduce yourself that you
are contacting on behalf of Mrs Aliza Amit Blomstein from Israel that you want
them to release my briefcase that was deposited on their company to you.

The name of the security company is:
Contact person: Dr Christou Nathan
Telephone: 0032465652527
Address: rue neuve 129 ,1000 Brussels.
You should contact the security company and get back to me. Please when you are communicating with the security company, you should not disclose the real contents of the briefcase because they company does not know the exact contents of the briefcase. It was deposited as family valuables. I am waiting to read from you that you have contacted the security company. Remember to inform me each an every message you receive from the security company so that I will direct you on what to do. God help us. Shalom.
Contact person: Dr Christou Nathan
Telephone: 0032465652527
Address: rue neuve 129 ,1000 Brussels.
You should contact the security company and get back to me. Please when you are communicating with the security company, you should not disclose the real contents of the briefcase because they company does not know the exact contents of the briefcase. It was deposited as family valuables. I am waiting to read from you that you have contacted the security company. Remember to inform me each an every message you receive from the security company so that I will direct you on what to do. God help us. Shalom.
En date de : Jeu 17.12.15, Shannon <SH> a écrit :
Dear Aliza-
I am so thankful you emailed me back--after two days, I thought you had died. Please listen to me when I say DO NOT COMMIT SUICIDE. It's an unforgivable sin, and since you have already suffered here on earth, it seems like a bad call to set yourself up for eternal suffering. I am a little nervous about contacting this security company. Although their name, Guarding and Security Company, does seem extremely legit, I am worried about working with them and not you. In our time together, I have developed a bond with you that I have with no other women, because I don't usually spend time with women since the Tide pod accident (you remember). Is there a way I can just work with you to get the suitcase?
Please let me know soon so I don't think you've died again.
Dear Aliza-
I am so thankful you emailed me back--after two days, I thought you had died. Please listen to me when I say DO NOT COMMIT SUICIDE. It's an unforgivable sin, and since you have already suffered here on earth, it seems like a bad call to set yourself up for eternal suffering. I am a little nervous about contacting this security company. Although their name, Guarding and Security Company, does seem extremely legit, I am worried about working with them and not you. In our time together, I have developed a bond with you that I have with no other women, because I don't usually spend time with women since the Tide pod accident (you remember). Is there a way I can just work with you to get the suitcase?
Please let me know soon so I don't think you've died again.
On Dec 18, 2015, Aliza Amit Blomstein
I am so delighted about your message. You know my condition here. I promise i will never commit suicide. You have given me the reasons not to do it.
Regards to the issue of the security company, I am given you full assurance to work with the security company. There is no problem working with the company. I have already discussed with the director of the security company concerning my plan to retrieve the briefcase from their custody and also i have as well introduced you to the director of the security company. The director said since i present you to receive the briefcase on my behalf that he will like to work with you in other not to make mistake during the process of delivering the briefcase.
You don’t have to worry about anything. We are working together that is why i said you should always keep in touch with me each time you receive message from the company so that i will know about it and also tell you what to do.
Please go ahead contact the security company as i told you. We have to finalize everything as soon as possible so that i will move out from here before ending of this month. Do get in touch with the company and let me know. God help us. Shalom.
I am so delighted about your message. You know my condition here. I promise i will never commit suicide. You have given me the reasons not to do it.
Regards to the issue of the security company, I am given you full assurance to work with the security company. There is no problem working with the company. I have already discussed with the director of the security company concerning my plan to retrieve the briefcase from their custody and also i have as well introduced you to the director of the security company. The director said since i present you to receive the briefcase on my behalf that he will like to work with you in other not to make mistake during the process of delivering the briefcase.
You don’t have to worry about anything. We are working together that is why i said you should always keep in touch with me each time you receive message from the company so that i will know about it and also tell you what to do.
Please go ahead contact the security company as i told you. We have to finalize everything as soon as possible so that i will move out from here before ending of this month. Do get in touch with the company and let me know. God help us. Shalom.
On Dec 20, 2015, at 11:44 AM, Aliza
Amit Blomstein <>
Shalom Shannon,
Happy Sunday and how are you doing? I hope all is well with you? I did not see your message that is why i decided to write to you to know what is happening. Please do get back to me. I am so worried to read your message.
Shalom Shannon,
Happy Sunday and how are you doing? I hope all is well with you? I did not see your message that is why i decided to write to you to know what is happening. Please do get back to me. I am so worried to read your message.
Did you contact the company as i told you?
Please get back to me. God help us. Shalom.
Please get back to me. God help us. Shalom.
En date de :
Lun 21.12.15, Shannon <SH>
a écrit :
Dear Aliza-
I am so sorry about the delay. I had a small Crisis of my own here--a deer that I hit with my car was injured, so I spent a lot of time nursing it back to health, only to come home one day to find that the deer had ruined my living room. The carpet is ruined and there are holes in my couch
cushions and even my windows are shattered. I am so upset...why would God let this happen to me while I was trying to help? It's like "hey there deer, I was trying to help you so maybe leave the couch out of this," right? Anyway, I am So sorry I left you to suffer with your family
all weekend. Weekends here in the USA are usually pretty nice. I just emailed the company and I hope they email me back right away, because this deer business is really stressing me out.
Tell me if you got the message from The country dear Aliza.
On Dec 21, 2015, Aliza Amit Blomstein
Shalom Shannon,
You don’t really have to apologize. I have accepted your apology. I am very sorry concerning the crisis between you and the Animal called deer. I know how you feel but you have to calm down and take things easy with the deer. You have to understand that the deer is an animal and will always behave like animal. Please take it easy.
I love you but God loves you most. You will live long to reap the good things you have sow. No evil shall befall you. God will surely bless you. My Heart is filled with joy and happiness reading from you that you have emailed the security company. I can see your effort and i am happy. Please always keep me inform on each an every message you will receive from the company so that i will be aware of what is going on between you and the security company.
I will be waiting for your news.
Shalom Shannon,
You don’t really have to apologize. I have accepted your apology. I am very sorry concerning the crisis between you and the Animal called deer. I know how you feel but you have to calm down and take things easy with the deer. You have to understand that the deer is an animal and will always behave like animal. Please take it easy.
I love you but God loves you most. You will live long to reap the good things you have sow. No evil shall befall you. God will surely bless you. My Heart is filled with joy and happiness reading from you that you have emailed the security company. I can see your effort and i am happy. Please always keep me inform on each an every message you will receive from the company so that i will be aware of what is going on between you and the security company.
I will be waiting for your news.
*********I cannot believe not only did she let me get away with the deer thing, but she replied to it. I love her.
On Tue, Dec 22,
2015 at 2:27 PM, Aliza Amit Blomstein <>
Shalom Shannon,
How are you doing today? I hope all is well with you? I did not read from you so i said let me keep in touch with you. Please i want you to tell me some things about you.
Are you married with kids?
How old are you?
What is your plan towards me?
Where will i stay when i come over to your country? Is your house ok for me to stay? If not ok,i will stay in a hotel for the moment while you look for a good apartment for me to buy and pack in.
I am really counting on you and i believe you will not disappoint me. I have been hurt and i don’t want to get hurt again. Please keep in touch with me.
Meanwhile, did you hear from the security company?
How are you doing today? I hope all is well with you? I did not read from you so i said let me keep in touch with you. Please i want you to tell me some things about you.
Are you married with kids?
How old are you?
What is your plan towards me?
Where will i stay when i come over to your country? Is your house ok for me to stay? If not ok,i will stay in a hotel for the moment while you look for a good apartment for me to buy and pack in.
I am really counting on you and i believe you will not disappoint me. I have been hurt and i don’t want to get hurt again. Please keep in touch with me.
Meanwhile, did you hear from the security company?
God bless you. Shalom.
On Tues, Dec 22, 2015, Shannon <SH> wrote:
Shalom Aliza-
Thank you for your email yesterday
being so understanding about the deer. I still can't believe that after
all of my care, he repaid me by ruining my living room.
I guess the deer could have been a
woman--I'm not sure.
I haven't heard back from the security
company that you told me to email and I'm getting very worried. I emailed
them just like you said, and they didn't even reply. Are you sure this
company is reputable?
To answer your questions, I am not
married, but I was married once. It is a strange coincidence, because my
first marriage broke up in a similar way to the deer--I was nothing but loving
and kind to her, and she ruined my living room (and some other property) and ran
off. Maybe God was punishing me for the whole thing with my sister and me
giving her that laundry pod. I don't know, but I am not married anymore
and have no kids. My wife may have had a baby since then, but it has been
long enough to confirm: the baby is not mine.
I am 48.
My plan toward you is to help you with
the case, but I would really like to just get it from you in person. Can
we arrange this? I am flexible with scheduling at work--I am the
assistant manager.
Aliza, I would be honored if you stayed
with me when you came to the USA. I have an extra bed (it's a part of the
couch but it can easily be converted). This would make me so happy.
Things have been so lonely since my wife and the deer left.
Please email me
back as soon as possible.
On Dec 23, 2015, Aliza Amit Blomstein
Shalom Shannon,
Thank you so much for your response. Like i said to you before now that animal don’t think like human. You should understand. You amazed me when you said you guess the deer could have been a woman. I smile.
After reading your message, I sent an email to the director of the security company regards to what you said and why they are not responding to you. They insisted that there is no email from you.
The director of the company Dr Christou Nathan then, tell me to forward your email to him so that he will contact you which i have done already.
I thank you so much for your answers towards my question. I have taken note of all you have said regards to your family affair. Don’t worry, God will never abandon you. He is working for your own good. The woman that left you and run away did not deserve you. Hence you are loving and kind to her. I see no reason for her to leave. Please stop blaming yourself for your sister’s death. It was not actually your fault. God knows why it happened that way. I know it pains you a lot. I know how you feel about it. Please take things easy. I will be by your side always to consol you when i arrive to meet you in America.
I am little scared because i don’t want your wife to come back tomorrow and start making problem with me. I am little scared about it. I hope she is gone for good.
I am 36.
Regards to what you said concerning your plan towards me. I am so happy to know you want to help me retrieve the briefcase from the security company in Belgium. You can not get it in person with me as you said. The briefcase is deposited in that security company in Belgium and we have to discuss with the director Dr Christou Nathan how to get it release and deliver to your home in America. He will be in better position to explain to us that is why he said i should have you contact him. We can arrange it but we have to talk with the director Dr Christou Nathan so that he will tell us what to do and how to go about it. You don’t have to worry yourself. Everything will be fine.
You have been my best friend. You are like a father, mother, sister and brother to me. If we will have kids together, we will discuss it when i come to USA.I promise to make you feel happy. I will do anything to make you feel happy. All i want from you is to show me love. I love you.
God bless you.Shalom.
Thank you so much for your response. Like i said to you before now that animal don’t think like human. You should understand. You amazed me when you said you guess the deer could have been a woman. I smile.
After reading your message, I sent an email to the director of the security company regards to what you said and why they are not responding to you. They insisted that there is no email from you.
The director of the company Dr Christou Nathan then, tell me to forward your email to him so that he will contact you which i have done already.
I thank you so much for your answers towards my question. I have taken note of all you have said regards to your family affair. Don’t worry, God will never abandon you. He is working for your own good. The woman that left you and run away did not deserve you. Hence you are loving and kind to her. I see no reason for her to leave. Please stop blaming yourself for your sister’s death. It was not actually your fault. God knows why it happened that way. I know it pains you a lot. I know how you feel about it. Please take things easy. I will be by your side always to consol you when i arrive to meet you in America.
I am little scared because i don’t want your wife to come back tomorrow and start making problem with me. I am little scared about it. I hope she is gone for good.
I am 36.
Regards to what you said concerning your plan towards me. I am so happy to know you want to help me retrieve the briefcase from the security company in Belgium. You can not get it in person with me as you said. The briefcase is deposited in that security company in Belgium and we have to discuss with the director Dr Christou Nathan how to get it release and deliver to your home in America. He will be in better position to explain to us that is why he said i should have you contact him. We can arrange it but we have to talk with the director Dr Christou Nathan so that he will tell us what to do and how to go about it. You don’t have to worry yourself. Everything will be fine.
You have been my best friend. You are like a father, mother, sister and brother to me. If we will have kids together, we will discuss it when i come to USA.I promise to make you feel happy. I will do anything to make you feel happy. All i want from you is to show me love. I love you.
God bless you.Shalom.
On Dec 23, 2015, Aliza Amit Blomstein
Shalom Shannon,
I had to bring out the deposit receipt and agreement receipt made with the security company in Brussels on the day the briefcase was deposited on their custody to enable me send it to you. I want you to go through it and get back to me. Please keep the receipts alone to yourself and do not allow anybody to see it and also do keep our conversations to yourself because i don’t want when i come to USA people will be looking at me as a rich woman. I love to be free in life.
You should send me your pictures to enable me recognize you on my arrival to your airport. You will come and pick me up at the airport because i have not been there before. I hope you will not disappoint me? I am counting on you. Please keep in touch. God bless you. Shalom.
I had to bring out the deposit receipt and agreement receipt made with the security company in Brussels on the day the briefcase was deposited on their custody to enable me send it to you. I want you to go through it and get back to me. Please keep the receipts alone to yourself and do not allow anybody to see it and also do keep our conversations to yourself because i don’t want when i come to USA people will be looking at me as a rich woman. I love to be free in life.
You should send me your pictures to enable me recognize you on my arrival to your airport. You will come and pick me up at the airport because i have not been there before. I hope you will not disappoint me? I am counting on you. Please keep in touch. God bless you. Shalom.

On Dec 23, 2015, Aliza Amit Blomstein
This is the agreement receipt.
On Dec 23, 2015, Aliza Amit Blomstein
The deposit receipt.
**********the documents are always so, so good.
On Weds, Dec 23, 2015, Shannon <SH> wrote:
Dear Aliza,
Thank you for the four emails
today. I can tell from your emails and the number of times you send them
that you're really serious about coming to the USA. I am proud of
you. You are becoming my best friend.
I have great news...I emailed Dr.
Nathan my driverslicence so I really hope he is able to send me the briefcase
now. I am ready to see you here in the USA.
Thank you for understanding about my
wife and the deer situation. I promise that when you arrive here, the
damage done by them will be repaired--the wife damage will be repaired by time
and my heart and the deer damage will be repaired by me and my friend Sal,
who's a carpenter, but only as a hobby.
Don't be afraid for my wife coming
back. When she left, I changed all the locks on my house after a time
where I thought she may want to come back. When she didn't come back, I
changed all the locks, except the only problem now may be the door that was
ruined by the deer. If she chooses to enter in that door, we are in
trouble. But do not be scared--if you are already here, she won't be able
to win me back, probably.
Aliza thank you
for saying that you love me. I am not ready to say that to you because I
have been hurt in the past. It's all so much. I will keep praying
for you though.
On Dec 24, 2015, Aliza Amit Blomstein
Shalom Shannon,
Compliment of the season and how are you doing today? I thank you very much for your message. I do learn lots in your mails. I am happy and delighted that you are proud of me.
My dear, Shannon, I am so much desperate to relocate out from here to you in America. What can i do, only me and my God knows what i have been going through in life. Thanks for being there for me. You mean a lot to me. You are the only one i have and depend on in my life .At least with the money i have in Belgium, we can live a happy life together. I have lost my beloved husband and i want to be loved again. I am too young to live a single life. I really need a man in my life that will show me love and caring. I believe i have found you Shannon.
I am happy to know you have emailed Dr Christou Nathan your driverslicence which means you have heard from Dr Christou Nathan. I pray that everything will move fast as soon as possible so that i will run away from here and will never set my foot back here again. I want to be free from these wicked people.
I have heard all you have said concerning the issue of your wife. I hope nothing will go wrong.
I know you have been hurt and i know how you feel. Don’t worry everything will be fine with you. Thanks for praying for me. Please always keep me inform regards to your communication with Dr Christou Nathan. God bless you. Shalom.
Compliment of the season and how are you doing today? I thank you very much for your message. I do learn lots in your mails. I am happy and delighted that you are proud of me.
My dear, Shannon, I am so much desperate to relocate out from here to you in America. What can i do, only me and my God knows what i have been going through in life. Thanks for being there for me. You mean a lot to me. You are the only one i have and depend on in my life .At least with the money i have in Belgium, we can live a happy life together. I have lost my beloved husband and i want to be loved again. I am too young to live a single life. I really need a man in my life that will show me love and caring. I believe i have found you Shannon.
I am happy to know you have emailed Dr Christou Nathan your driverslicence which means you have heard from Dr Christou Nathan. I pray that everything will move fast as soon as possible so that i will run away from here and will never set my foot back here again. I want to be free from these wicked people.
I have heard all you have said concerning the issue of your wife. I hope nothing will go wrong.
I know you have been hurt and i know how you feel. Don’t worry everything will be fine with you. Thanks for praying for me. Please always keep me inform regards to your communication with Dr Christou Nathan. God bless you. Shalom.
On Dec 30, 2015, Aliza Amit Blomstein
Shalom Shannon,
Compliment of the season and how are you doing? I hope everything is alright with you? I have been waiting for your message since the last message you wrote to me which is on the 24th December.
Is there anything wrong?
Did you hear from the security company regards to your driver’s license you sent to them?
Please try as much as possible to keep in touch with me. I am waiting for your response. God bless you..
Compliment of the season and how are you doing? I hope everything is alright with you? I have been waiting for your message since the last message you wrote to me which is on the 24th December.
Is there anything wrong?
Did you hear from the security company regards to your driver’s license you sent to them?
Please try as much as possible to keep in touch with me. I am waiting for your response. God bless you..
On Weds, Dec 30, 2015, Shannon <SH> wrote:
Dear Aliza-
I think you may have forgotten, but
here in the USA we have Christmas and New Years. Both are holidays that
means I DO NOT HAVE A LOT OF TIME! Let me tell you, I have been so busy
that I haven't gotten a chance to email you. It takes so much time to
make cranberries, which are a requirement at these holidays. Let me tell
you--first you have to buy them, or I guess pick them. Then you have you
make them, which takes a long time. Then, after all that, you have to eat
them. It all really stacks up.
I really wish you were here with me to
experience is all Aliza. Would it be ok if I called you Eliza? It's
more of an American version. Anyway, I hope that everything is going ok
for you too, because I am worried even if I am distracted by the cranberries.
I don't think there will be any
trouble with my wife. I sent her a present for Christmas just in case,
but it was back on my doorstep just two days ago. I guess that means it's
really over. It's too bad, because the present was cranberries.
Anyway, I emailed Dr. Nathan again,
and I will tell you what I hear back.
On Dec 31, 2015, Aliza Amit Blomstein
Shalom Shannon,
Thank you so much for keeping in touch with me. My dear Shannon, I am aware of the period we are in right now. I understood you have been busy and do not have lot of time. But that is not an excuse for you not to keep in touch with me. I know you have been occupied making cranberries still; it does not prevent you from keeping in touch with me. Because of all the fact i mentioned here was why i am not happy with you. I hope you understand???
You know very well that i am much desperate to come over to you in USA. My name is Aliza not Eliza.You should call me Aliza.
It is almost 1:30 pm here. I am in my room to have some rest. I locked the door to on the computer so that i can check my email. I have to do it fast before someone knock on the door. You know my situation here. I have to be careful more especially now that we are on the way to finalize everything with the security company in Belgium. If the company release and deliver the briefcase to you in USA, I will feel much happier. At least the briefcase has been out from Belgium to you in USA. Once you confirm the briefcase is in your care, I will write down to you the code of the briefcase and how to open it so that you will open the briefcase bring out money buy me flight ticket.
You should inform me when the company will start the delivery and i will arrange some little of my cloths and my few belongings that i can take along then, i will run away to a hotel from there, I will prepare myself to USA.
I will leave my phone in my room so that they will not suspect anything. We will be communicating through email until i step out from Israel. I don’t want them to trace my where about. At this point, you will be keeping in touch with me everyday until i arrive to you. I will start getting my things ready little by little. I am counting on you. Please don’t betray my trust in you.
I hope their wont be any trouble between me and your wife as you have said. I believe it is really over between you and her. You did well sending her Christmas present. That is to show how caring you are.
Happy to know you sent email to Dr Christou Nathan.I appreciate everything you have been doing because of me. God will surely bless your hand work and i promise to make it up to you when we meet together in USA. Please keep in touch. God bless you. Shalom.
On Thurs, Dec 31, 2015, Shannon <SH> wrote:
Dear Aliza-
I am a bit disappointed that you weren't open to the idea of going by Eliza once you're here in the USA. Things in the USA right now aren't easy for foreigners and an American name might help people accept you better. They won't understand all you have been through with your dead husband's family if they are immediately put off by the name of a foreigner. A lot of people might even think you're a terrorist. Maybe we could think of it like a nickname. Some people close to me who I love call me Shandango (it's from a movie that was pretty good, but went on a little too long, but still made millions at the box office). Maybe you could call me that and I could call you Eliza. Just think about it.
Anyway, thanks for understanding about the cranberries. They are really important to me, because of the symbolism. My ex wife didn't care about that. That's probably why she sent them right back to me. Or I may have just not had enough postage on them--that happens a lot over here with the government delivering our mail.
Well I still don't have any word from Dr. Nathan. Aliza, please promise me you aren't working with any other men to get this briefcase. It's only me right? Because this lack of hearing from dr. Nathan is making me very suspicious. If he wanted to help, he would email me back.
Please help me feel better about this,
I am a bit disappointed that you weren't open to the idea of going by Eliza once you're here in the USA. Things in the USA right now aren't easy for foreigners and an American name might help people accept you better. They won't understand all you have been through with your dead husband's family if they are immediately put off by the name of a foreigner. A lot of people might even think you're a terrorist. Maybe we could think of it like a nickname. Some people close to me who I love call me Shandango (it's from a movie that was pretty good, but went on a little too long, but still made millions at the box office). Maybe you could call me that and I could call you Eliza. Just think about it.
Anyway, thanks for understanding about the cranberries. They are really important to me, because of the symbolism. My ex wife didn't care about that. That's probably why she sent them right back to me. Or I may have just not had enough postage on them--that happens a lot over here with the government delivering our mail.
Well I still don't have any word from Dr. Nathan. Aliza, please promise me you aren't working with any other men to get this briefcase. It's only me right? Because this lack of hearing from dr. Nathan is making me very suspicious. If he wanted to help, he would email me back.
Please help me feel better about this,
On Jan 1, 2016, Aliza Amit Blomstein
Shalom Shannon,
You do not have to be disappointed because of what i said concerning my name. I have taken note of what you have said about it. In that case, you can call me Eliza. No problem.
I think the company might be on holiday. Therefore, let us exercise patience to see what the result will be. I believe Dr. Christou Nathan will get back to us.
I wonder why you said i should promise you i am not working with other men to get the briefcase. How could you even think of such thing?
How can i work with another man to get my briefcase? Does it mean you don’t listen to everything i have been telling you? I have been communicating with you alone. You alone know my secret and about this briefcase. Yes, it is you alone.
Please inform me when you receive message from Dr. Christou Nathan.
Meanwhile, Happy New Year as we made it into 2016.God bless you. Shalom.
You do not have to be disappointed because of what i said concerning my name. I have taken note of what you have said about it. In that case, you can call me Eliza. No problem.
I think the company might be on holiday. Therefore, let us exercise patience to see what the result will be. I believe Dr. Christou Nathan will get back to us.
I wonder why you said i should promise you i am not working with other men to get the briefcase. How could you even think of such thing?
How can i work with another man to get my briefcase? Does it mean you don’t listen to everything i have been telling you? I have been communicating with you alone. You alone know my secret and about this briefcase. Yes, it is you alone.
Please inform me when you receive message from Dr. Christou Nathan.
Meanwhile, Happy New Year as we made it into 2016.God bless you. Shalom.
On Jan 3, 2016, Aliza Amit Blomstein
Shalom Shannon,
I sent you message to wish you a happy new year but you did not respond to it by wishing me as well. I hope all is well with you? I did not read from you two days now so, i said let me keep in touch to know how you are doing. It is late and i have to get back to sleep. Good night. God bless you. Shalom,
Shalom Shannon,
I sent you message to wish you a happy new year but you did not respond to it by wishing me as well. I hope all is well with you? I did not read from you two days now so, i said let me keep in touch to know how you are doing. It is late and i have to get back to sleep. Good night. God bless you. Shalom,
On Mon, Jan 4, 2016, Shannon <SH> wrote:
Dear Eliza-
I have some great news. I have
decided to go to Belgium to get the briefcase myself! It will be so much
safer and cheaper than sending it to me. I have learned through years of
bad experience that you can't trust anyone who handles packages for a
living. Remember that I told you that I mailed my exwife the cranberries?
Well I thought she returned them to me out of rage, but instead, it was the
post office who returned it! I had enough postage on it, I am sure, but
someone there removed a stamp, and I am upset because it's not fair. My
hard work went into that stamp, and now, she will never know I thought of her
and our tradition. So anyway, I will email Dr. Nathan today to ask about
my plane ticket to get out there and get the case in person. I am
thrilled. Maybe I can even meet you there and bring you back to the USA
alongside of me.
I don't think you will regret going by
Eliza. Terrorists are all over this country and they all have foreigner
names, so you won't regret this.
I was just wanting to be sure about
the other men, because part of me is afraid that this is too good to be
true. Could you send me a picture of yourself, so I can think of you more
new year to you, god bless you and america.
On Jan 5, 2016, Aliza Amit Blomstein
Shalom Shannon,
I am very happy reading your message with great news. It gives me joy when you said you have decided to go to Belgium. But what i do not understand is this; you said it will be so much safer and cheaper than sending it to you. How? What happened? I wish to know the reason you said such thing because i am confused about it. I understand everything you said concerning your experience and also about the cranberries you sent to your ex-wife. My dear Shannon, You don’t have to get annoyed. I know how you feel. You worked hard to get it done and for her to receive it showing you cares much for her. Believe me; God is always by your side. God will take control of everything.
You said you will email Dr. Christou Nathan concerning your plane ticket to go to Belgium to visit their office and to get the briefcase in person. It is nice idea to go there and collect the briefcase in person but what i don’t know is if Dr. Christou Nathan is responsible for the plane ticket. Inform me about your conversation with Dr Christou Nathan.
I have told you before now, since you want to call me Eliza, I accept to go by it. Mind you, I am not a terrorist
What other men are you talking about???
You said you just wanted to be sure about the other men, because part of you is afraid my issue is too good to be true. Meaning???
What is happening and why are you saying all this to me??? Where do i go wrong in life???
Why am i passing through difficulties in life is the question i have been asking my self???
Are you saying you don’t believe everything i have been telling you???
I could have ended my life to forget everything since no one wants to come to my rescue. I have trusted you and i have told you everything you need to know yet part of you keep telling you it is too good to be true.
My eyes are full of tears. I don’t really know what to say or do. I am just confused now. Your message is making me cry. I have to think about my life. God bless you. Shalom.
I am very happy reading your message with great news. It gives me joy when you said you have decided to go to Belgium. But what i do not understand is this; you said it will be so much safer and cheaper than sending it to you. How? What happened? I wish to know the reason you said such thing because i am confused about it. I understand everything you said concerning your experience and also about the cranberries you sent to your ex-wife. My dear Shannon, You don’t have to get annoyed. I know how you feel. You worked hard to get it done and for her to receive it showing you cares much for her. Believe me; God is always by your side. God will take control of everything.
You said you will email Dr. Christou Nathan concerning your plane ticket to go to Belgium to visit their office and to get the briefcase in person. It is nice idea to go there and collect the briefcase in person but what i don’t know is if Dr. Christou Nathan is responsible for the plane ticket. Inform me about your conversation with Dr Christou Nathan.
I have told you before now, since you want to call me Eliza, I accept to go by it. Mind you, I am not a terrorist
What other men are you talking about???
You said you just wanted to be sure about the other men, because part of you is afraid my issue is too good to be true. Meaning???
What is happening and why are you saying all this to me??? Where do i go wrong in life???
Why am i passing through difficulties in life is the question i have been asking my self???
Are you saying you don’t believe everything i have been telling you???
I could have ended my life to forget everything since no one wants to come to my rescue. I have trusted you and i have told you everything you need to know yet part of you keep telling you it is too good to be true.
My eyes are full of tears. I don’t really know what to say or do. I am just confused now. Your message is making me cry. I have to think about my life. God bless you. Shalom.
On Tue, Jan 5, 2016, Shannon <SH> wrote:
Dear Elaina,
I had to write you right away because
your last email has me so freaked out. I feel like there is a bee on me.
Eliza when you said that you were
crying, I was also so sad. There is enough sadness in the world.
Have you ever seen Blue Valentine? Let me tell you--if you haven't, DO
NOT see it. It is a movie that makes you more sad than you have ever
been--even you, who has had a sad life. I was just asking about other men
because I have a friend who saw these emails and said to me "Shannon, you
need to stop, because Elize is working with a lot of men just to get their
money." I told him, "Eric, you're wrong, because she and I have
something special, and it's called RESPECT and she would never lie to me, not
after we have shared personal memories like the cranberries etc."
I have been hurt
before Eliza. I had a woman who had my whole heart, and she wrecked it,
just like a deer. I have to ask sometimes to make sure you're being
honest. Don't be upset...I have to ask. The cranberries don't
matter anymore.
Well, I still haven't heard from Dr.
Nathan about when I should plan to buy my ticket for. I hope he replies
quickly, otherwise I might have to just buy a one way ticket there to walk to
the company each day until the suitcase is ready.
I will tell you
as soon as I hear something
************Misspelling the name makes me laugh every time. I don't even know why.
OH YEAH...I also started emailing Dr. Christou Nathan, illustrious proprietor of "Guarding and Security Company." I couldn't help was Christmas break and I didn't want to pack stuff up for the big move. Also, I've emailed scammers before and you can only fake the "yeah yeah, I emailed the bank too" for so long, because odds are, "Aliza" and "Dr Nathan" are sitting beside each other in an internet cafe somewhere. But I'm not mad, because it allowed me to pull out two of my favorite spamming spammer moves--emailing the really pixelated form of ID, and spending a lot of time physically describing myself for our "meet up." Gets me every time (yes, I get myself with that every time).
On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 11:16 AM,
Christou Nathan <> wrote:
Mr. Shannon,
am contacting you on behalf of our Client Mrs.Aliza Amit Blomstein concerning
her DEPOSIT in our custody..Before we proceed,You are required to forward to me
copy of your ID or PASSPORT to confirm you are the right person that was
introduced to me by our Client.
wait for your immediate action.
Thanks for your patronage,
Dr Christou Nathan (director)
Guarding & security company (G.S.C)
Address/rue Neuve 129 ,1000 Brussels Belgium
Tel / 0032465652527
Thanks for your patronage,
Dr Christou Nathan (director)
Guarding & security company (G.S.C)
Address/rue Neuve 129 ,1000 Brussels Belgium
Tel / 0032465652527
Sent: Thursday,
December 24, 2015 at 12:53 AM
From: Shannon
To: "Christou Nathan" <>
Subject: Re: Attention Mr. Shannon .
From: Shannon
To: "Christou Nathan" <>
Subject: Re: Attention Mr. Shannon .
Thank you for finally emailing me
back. I don't have a passport, but I have my Florida drivers
license. I hope this works...I had to drive to the office store for them
to scan it because I don't have a scanner.
On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 2:04 AM,
Christou Nathan <> wrote:
Mr. Shannon,
Your letter has been received with the copy of your drivers license.
is the form where to fill in your information.
Please make sure that everything is accurate to avoid a mistake. Print it out ,fill ,Scan and return once it is properly filled and signed.
Please make sure that everything is accurate to avoid a mistake. Print it out ,fill ,Scan and return once it is properly filled and signed.
wait for your immediate action.
Thanks for your patronage,
Thanks for your patronage,
Dr Christou Nathan (director)
Guarding & security company (G.S.C)
Address/rue Neuve 129 ,1000 Brussels Belgium
Tel / 0032465652527
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 at 11:45 PM
From: Shannon
To: "Christou Nathan" <>
Subject: Re: Attention Mr. Shannon .
Ok here it is.
On Sat, Jan 2, 2016 at 1:38 AM,
Christou Nathan <> wrote:
Mr. Shannon,
I am very sorry for the late response.
We were in the process trying to make sure that everything work out successfully and we have concluded with the arrangement.
Your partner's Briefcase had been in our custody for a long time, that's why its process took little time; it has been brought out from our storage office and placed in our diplomatic courier department in charge of foreign delivering. Finally, it is ready for delivery now to your destination in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Our Diplomats will take off to your destination immediately we received our entire requirement which will enable us to facilitate the immediate delivery and prepare the paper work. Your partner haven't been up to date with our storage fees which she usually settle monthly ,therefore we can not transport her briefcase without receiving our remaining balance of (950euro) for the storage fees including Our delivering charges which is (6,000euro).
I am very sorry for the late response.
We were in the process trying to make sure that everything work out successfully and we have concluded with the arrangement.
Your partner's Briefcase had been in our custody for a long time, that's why its process took little time; it has been brought out from our storage office and placed in our diplomatic courier department in charge of foreign delivering. Finally, it is ready for delivery now to your destination in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Our Diplomats will take off to your destination immediately we received our entire requirement which will enable us to facilitate the immediate delivery and prepare the paper work. Your partner haven't been up to date with our storage fees which she usually settle monthly ,therefore we can not transport her briefcase without receiving our remaining balance of (950euro) for the storage fees including Our delivering charges which is (6,000euro).
We will issue the receipt as soon as we received our required fee and proceed with the immediate delivering to your destination in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA according to our constitution, or you can fly down here in Belgium to handle everything by yourself.
It is our rules and certain before we can deliver her briefcase to you. She automatically stops paying her monthly settlement for her briefcase for some times now that left it to accumulate higher. It is extremely impossible for us to deliver it to you without clearing the storage fees and our delivery charges.
the AIRWAY TICKET will be send to you immediately which will enable you to know
their exact time of arrival to your destination in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and
to be ready to receive it.
I am very sorry; we must follow up the rules and regulations guiding our system.
Your prompt response is required to enable us to know the next step to follow on time.
I am very sorry; we must follow up the rules and regulations guiding our system.
Your prompt response is required to enable us to know the next step to follow on time.
Thanks for your patronage,
Christou Nathan (director)
Guarding & security company (G.S.C)
Address/rue Neuve 129 ,1000 Brussels Belgium
Tel / 0032465652527
Guarding & security company (G.S.C)
Address/rue Neuve 129 ,1000 Brussels Belgium
Tel / 0032465652527
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2016 at 3:19 AM
From: Shannon
To: "Christou Nathan" <>
Subject: Re: Attention Mr. Shannon .
Dr. Nathan,
It's so great to hear from
you. I appreciate you being honest about all of this.
I have some great news, I have
decided to come pick up the briefcase myself. It will be cheaper for me
to go there to get it than for you to ship it. I will bring the storage
fees owed by Aliza when I see you. Or I can bring more, because it will
be next month, so she might have another month to pay for.
Thank you again,
On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 3:15 AM,
Christou Nathan <> wrote:
Mr. Shannon,
acknowledged your email. However, you should go ahead with your plan towards
your coming here. Let me know your schedule when you are ready.
Thanks for your patronage,
Dr Christou Nathan (director)
Guarding & security company (G.S.C)
Address/rue Neuve 129 ,1000 Brussels Belgium
Tel / 0032465652527
**************this is an ultimate, best case scenario first. They're trying to call my bluff, which means I get to up the ante AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE to call theirs. I love Dr. Nathan too.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shannon
Date: Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: Attention Mr. Shannon .
To: Christou Nathan
From: Shannon
Date: Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: Attention Mr. Shannon .
To: Christou Nathan
Dear Dr Nathan-
Thank you for your email! I am getting very excited to
meet you. I was hoping you could help me with a plan that I hope you will
keep a secret. I want to bring Aliza, the briefcase owner, to Brussels
too to meet me so we can get the case together and I will bring her back to the
USA to be my future wife. Will you help me? She trusts you, and if
you ask her to come, she will. She might need you to help her with a plane
ticket, but I will pay you back in cash.
I am planning on flying into Brussels on January 20th.
Does that sound ok? It's a great day to get a good deal on a plane
ticket. I want to fly American Airlines, because then I don't need a
passport. It takes too long to get a passport, so I am just going to use
my drivers license. There is a flight that will leave Miami on the 20th
and I would land in Brussels Belgium at 8 AM on the 21st. The flight
number is 750. Will you be able to pick me up at the airport, or will it
be someone else? I will need to know soon, so I don't accidentally leave
with a stranger. This has happened before.
Here is the information about me, for when I am picked
up. I am a white male, and I am not very tall--about 5'10. I am 200
pounds. I'm not sure if you guys use pounds there, but it basically means
I'm pretty average in weight. Most of my friends are about that weight
too. My hair is brown, which I think is pretty unique for you. From what
I know about your country, most people have blonde (yellow) hair. I will
be wearing a brown coat--it will have fur collar. It was left behind by
my exwife so technically, it is a women's jacket, but it's really hard to
Please tell me soon what car I should be looking for, or if
I should be looking for someone in the baggage claim.
*********And that's it! These last two emails may have been the straw for dear Aliza and Dr. Nathan, but if not.........I'll be back.