Friday, January 14, 2011

Touching up nail polish at work...

Completely appropriate. I mean, I have business that requires my nails look nice. Who's gonna take a girl seriously with chips?

No matter that it's sparkle nail polish.


  1. Once, when I was about your age, I went to a movie during lunch. I remember, it was "Stand By Me."

  2. Mom, that is AWESOME.

    I ALWAYS carry my current color of nail polish in my work bag because I can't touch it up before work otherwise it'll get messed up. At work I'm just typing and clicking for the first hour so it's th perfect time for them to dry. You might we wondering why I don't do it the night before, it's because I'm busy, ok.

  3. Oh man, don't think a movie isn't on my very near lunch horizon now. Thank you for that idea. Also, yes...I think typing actually helps my nails dry faster than they even would at home! I love it.

  4. that's just asking for smudges....just like when you do your laundry with wet nails. i have that exact polish on right now. lovesies.

  5. I hope students don't judge me by my chipped nails:(
